
Easter Pageant Costumes, Caiaphas High Priest Attire, Sadducee Costume, Sanhedrin Clothing

Whatever Easter Pageant Costumes you need we can help. From complete high quality costumes to just the wigs, makeup or accessories we have it all. Here is a few hard to find Bible character costumes: Caiaphas High Priest Attire, Sadducee Costume, Sanhedrin Clothing, Pharisees and more.

High Quality Roman Armor, Helmets, Broadswords & Costumes

Roman Soldier Costume Dallas area, Adult Childrens Roman Soldier Costumes Dallas, High Quality Roman Soldier Costumes Dallas, Quality Roman Soldier  Armor & Weapons Dallas,

For high Quality Roman Soldier Helmets, Broadswords, Chest Armor, Chainmail, Tumics, Cloaks, Leather Belts and any accessory imaginable you need to shop at Dallas Vintage Shop.

Classical Period Roman Soldier Centurion Costume

Roman Centurion Costume, Roman Centurion Helmet, Red Plumed Roman Centurian Helmet & Costume, Roman Costumes Dallas

We have a huge variety of Roman Soldier Costumes, Helmets, Tumics, Chest Armor, Roman Belts, Cloaks, Capes, Sandles, Broadswords and any of the Accessories you need from High Quality to Economy prices for adults and Children.

Guardian Angel Costume

Celtic Guardian Angel, Guardian Angel Costumes, Angel Costumes, Angel Costumes Dallas, Angel Costume Ideas, Angel Costulmes and Accessories

If you need Guardian Angel Costumes or Biblical Angels of any kind we have all the angel robes, angel wings, angel wigs, angel dresses and angelic accessories and costume ideas you need.


Christmas Pageant Wise Men Costumes, Biblical Eastern Magi Attire

CHRISTMAS PAGEANT WISE MEN COSTUMES: Middle Eastern & Oriental Magi Costumes for; Biblical Plays, Theatrical Productions, Fabulous Pageants, Live Nativity Reenactments & Film.

We have Christmas Pageant Wise Men Costumes, Biblical Eastern Magi Attire, Theatrical Wise Men Professional Costumes and all the Christmas Bible Characters Costumes in stock.

Dallas Vintage Shop has a huge selection of Christmas Pageant Wise Men Costumes like this Christmas Eastern Magi Attire. We also have all of the Bible Character Costumes you can thing of as well as Stage Makeup Wigs & Facial Hair. Come discover our diverse collection of Bible Play Costumes and Accessories.  SEE MORE: Wise Men.


Dallas Vintage Shop has unlimited choices for Elaborate Magi Outfits. Assemble, on the spot, from our huge collection of Magi Costumes, Costume Pieces, Accessories and Adornments to fit your higher standards or limited budget. We have a million ways to embellish your Pageant Creations to make the impression you require. Or, if you are on a budget but still want to look professional, we can help. Nobody has more Wise Men costume options available for you to choose from. Select from our Magi royal robes & Majestic turbans that we can decorate with broaches, feathers, beads and pearls. Everything you need is in stock all year round. Come create your own absolutely gorgeous Wise Man or all Three Wise Men.


CHRISTMAS PAGEANT WISE MEN COSTUMES & other Christmas Seasonal Costumes

Do you need Show Stopper or Professional Quality Magi Costumes and other Quality Biblical Character Outfits? We keep Christmas Story Characters are in stock year round. Get Elaborate Biblical Three Kings from the Orient outfits or whatever Christmas Pageant or Nativity scene Complete Setups.  Please take some time to check out these related costume categories. You might be surprised what you find.

OR SEE MORE: Wise Men.


Do you need a complete wardrobe for your Church Christmas Pageant or for a Nativity Scene? Our Three Wise Men are absolutely above and beyond the typical Christmas Play Costume.  If you need all the Biblical characters or just some, its easy at Dallas Vintage Shop. Freshen up, update or replace your Christmas Story costume collection. Find everything from wigs, facial hair, professional makeup, sandals for Roman Soldiers to Angels or shepherds. Get what you need all in one place.


There are 100’s of OTHER COSTUME CATEGORIES for you to Browse in the RIGHT HAND COLUMN.

SEE MORE: Wise Men



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Mary and Joseph Bible Character Costumes

Nativity Costumes, Nativity Costumes Dallas, Nativity Play, Nativity Play Dallas, Nativity Play Costumes, Nativity Play Costumes Dallas, Biblical Joseph and Mary outfits, Mary and Joseph Biblical Character Costumes, Mary and Joseph Costumes, Mary and Joseph Bible Character Wigs and Beard, Mary and Joseph Ancient Period Theatrical Costumes and Accessories,  Mary and Joseph Quality Biblical Character Costume, Mary and Joseph Quality Costumes, Mary and Joseph Bible Character Quality Wigs and Beard, Quality Ancient Period Mary and Joseph Theatrical Costumes and Accessories,   Theatrical Mary and Joseph Biblical Character Costume, Theatrical Mary and Joseph Costumes, Theatrical Mary and Joseph Bible Character Wigs and Beards, Theatrical Ancient Period Mary and Joseph Theatrical Costumes and Accessories,       Mary and Joseph Biblical Character Costumes Dallas, Mary and Joseph Dallas, Mary and Joseph Bible Character Wigs and Beards Dallas, Mary and Joseph Ancient Period Theatrical Costumes and Accessories Dallas,  Mary and Joseph Quality Biblical Character Costume Dallas, Mary and Joseph Quality Costumes Dallas, Mary and Joseph Bible Character Quality Wigs and Beard Dallas, Quality Ancient Period Mary and Joseph Theatrical Costumes and Accessories Dallas,   Theatrical Mary and Joseph Biblical Character Costume Dallas, Theatrical Mary and Joseph Period  Costumes Dallas, Theatrical Mary and Joseph Bible Character Wigs and Beards Dallas, Theatrical Ancient Period Mary and Joseph Theatrical Costumes and Accessories Dallas,

Need Mary and Joseph Dallas, Mary and Joseph Bible Character Wigs and Beards For your Film Production or Church Pageant?

Moses Biblical Character Costume

Moses Costume, Moses Biblical Character Costumes, Old Testament Prophet Costumes, Bible Character Wigs & Beard and Ancient Period Theatrical Costumes are at Dallas Vintage Shop.

We Have this Moses Biblical Character Costume as well as many Old Testament Prophet Costumes, Bible Character Wigs & Beards and any Ancient Period Theatrical Costumes and Accessories you can imagine. Get Supreme Quality, Theatrical Quality & Kid’s Costume Quality Price Costumes & Accessories at Dallas Vintage Shop.


Moses & More  Biblical Character Costumes

Who is your favorite Passover or Israelite character from the Bible book of Exodus ? We have elaborate or simple Hebrew Iconic outfits depicting any of the heroes or villains from Moses & Aaron to Pharaoh. We also offer historical Jewish folk costumes or clothing for adults & kids. Get professional theatrical production wardrobes and outfits for any Easter Pageant, Kids Bible Play, Passover Seder or family celebration.

Moses Biblical Character Costumes for Theatrical, Church Pageants, Passover & Children’s Plays

Create or improve your Easter or Passover holiday traditions with costumes.  Reenact crossing the Red Sea and the liberation of the Hebrew Nation with some creativity for kids and adults alike. You will find Supreme Quality Biblical Robes, Wigs, Beards, Makeup and great ideas at Dallas Vintage Shop. We are open year round.

You may want to see the following categories:

You will be amazed at our selection!

It’s worth the drive to Dallas Vintage Shop. SHIPPING AVAILABLE.

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Biblical, Jesus Christ Ancient Period Theatrical Costumes and Accessories

Jesus Christ Biblical Character Costumes, Jesus Christ Costumes, Jesus Christ Bible Character Wigs and Beard, Jesus Christ Ancient Period Theatrical Costumes and Accessories,  Jesus Christ Quality Biblical Character Costume, Jesus Christ Quality Costumes, Jesus Christ Bible Character Quality Wigs and Beard, Quality Ancient Period Jesus Christ Theatrical Costumes and Accessories,   Theatrical Jesus Christ Biblical Character Costume, Theatrical Jesus Christ Costumes, Theatrical Jesus Christ Bible Character Wigs and Beards, Theatrical Ancient Period Jesus Christ Theatrical Costumes and Accessories,       Jesus Christ Biblical Character Costumes Dallas, Jesus Christ Dallas, Jesus Christ Bible Character Wigs and Beards Dallas, Jesus Christ Ancient Period Theatrical Costumes and Accessories Dallas,  Jesus Christ Quality Biblical Character Costume Dallas, Jesus Christ Quality Costumes Dallas, Jesus Christ Bible Character Quality Wigs and Beard Dallas, Quality Ancient Period Jesus Christ Theatrical Costumes and Accessories Dallas,   Theatrical Jesus Christ Biblical Character Costume Dallas, Theatrical Jesus Christ Period  Costumes Dallas, Theatrical Jesus Christ Bible Character Wigs and Beards Dallas, Theatrical Ancient Period Jesus Christ Theatrical Costumes and Accessories Dallas,

Jesus Christ Ancient Period Theatrical Costumes and Accessories. And we also have Costumes for Jesus, Moses, John the Baptist, Jonah, The Twelve Disciples, and other Bible Characters. We have the makeup, beards and wigs you need too.



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Roman Centurion, Jarius Costume

John the Baptist

Bible Costumes John the Baptist, John the Baptist Dallas, John the Baptist Costume, John The Baptist Costume Dallas, John the Baptist Robe, John the Baptist Robe Dallas, John the Baptist Tunic, John the Baptist Tunic Dallas, Bible Costumes, Bible Costumes Dallas, Adult Bible Costumes, Adult Bible Costumes Dallas, Adult John the Baptist, Adult John the Baptist, Adult John the Baptist Costume, Adult John the Baptist Costume Dallas,