
The Greatest Showman ever was P. T. Barnum. We have this Hugh Jackman, Greatest Showman on Earth Showman Costume in Stock. If you need Circus Ringmaster Theatrical or Historical Costumes, Ringmaster Top Hats, Red Tailcoats, Men’s White Gloves, Canes, Stage Makeup and Facial Hair to create a P. T. Barnum Showman Outfit then we have what you need. Get Quality Ringmaster Attire or Economy Pieces & Accessories. We have a large selection of Ringmaster Tail Coats for you to choose from. We also can provide outfits for the other characters from the Greatest Showman on Earth Movie because we have the largest and most diverse collection of costumes in the Dallas, DFW & North Texas area. We are happy to provide the costumes & makeup you need for Theatrical Productions, School Historical Projects and Costume Theme Parties. We are open all year, but remember to shop early for Halloween. We won’t run out of costumes but it will get crowded the closer to Halloween You wait. When online costumes dwindle and local costume shops become picked over, everyone knows we will not come close to running short. Therefore, the longer you wait to shop for Halloween, the more people show up, and from farther away. Please shop early. Thanks!
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Look at this Burlesque, Vaudevillian, Victorian, Master of Ceremonies Gentleman’s Show Biz Attire. If you are putting together that just right, eclectic costume for a Old Fashioned or Yesteryear Themed Activity, we have ideas for you. Create a Dapper Formal Victorian Era Showman Outfit or a costume for an Overdressed Highly Suspect Snake Oil Salesman. We have everything you need. Find eye-catching outfits that will make an impression at any Burlesque, Cabaret, Victorian or Vintage Circus Themed Party or Event. Look no further than Dallas Vintage Shop. You’ll find endless choices for both men and women when you need to create a sexy or classy ensemble for Burlesque Shows, Vaudeville Style Productions, Victorian Carnivals, Vintage Cabaret Events, Show Biz Presentations or Old West Reenactments. This Snake Oil Salesman Outfit will get your the attention you want. We have the most diverse, the absolute largest and definitely the most eclectic selection of Victorian, Edwardian, Old West, 1800’s Carny or other Historical and Theatrical Period Attire in the Dallas, DFW & North Texas Area.
Posted in Cabaret, Show Biz, Showmen, Vaudeville, Moulin Rouge | Comments Off on Burlesque, Vaudevillian, Victorian, Master of Ceremonies Gentleman’s Attire

This Sequin Tail Coat is perfect for Circus Ringmasters, Lion Tamers and Showman. It would also be excellent for Las Vegas Magicians, Show Biz, or other High Energy Extravagant Entertainers Attire. We have everything you need for Glitzy, Dazzling Professional or Amateur Master of Ceremonies Outfits. We also have Sequin Bow Ties, Top Hats, Suspenders & Gaudy Gold or Silver Shoes.
Posted in Circus, Magic, Show Biz, Showmen, Las Vegas | Comments Off on Circus Showman Sequin Tail Coat, Las Vegas Magician Show Biz Attire

Vaudevillian Magicians Formal Attire, Magicians Top Hats, Victorian Magicians Costumes, Victorian Magicians Tail Coats, Magicians Quality Costumes & Accessories
Posted in Magic, Show Biz, Showmen, Vintage Tuxedos | Comments Off on Vaudevillian Magicians Formal Attire, Magicians Top Hats, Victorian Magicians Costumes, Victorian Magicians Tail Coats, Magicians Quality Costumes & Accessories

Magicians Fancy Attire, Magicians Sequine Vests, Magicians Showy Attire, Magicians Showy Sequin Vests, Magicians Quality Show Attire
Posted in Magic, Show Biz, Showmen, Las Vegas | Comments Off on Magicians Fancy Attire, Magicians Sequine Vests, Magicians Showy Attire, Magicians Showy Sequin Vests, Magicians Quality Show Attire, Magicians Quality Costumes & Accessories

Showman’s Clothing
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Showman’s Fancy Coat, Top Hat and Cane
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Showman in Lumea Tuxedo
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Technically, the Zoot Suit was more of fashion and attitude statement supposedly, first worn by some African American and Jazz Era Artists in the 20’s and 30’s and was eventually adopted by some men in the Latino, Chicano, Filipino and Italian communities, especially in L.A., which eventually led to the ‘Zoot Suit Riots.’ Meanwhile, in Chicago, Harold C. Fox, a clothier and sometime big-band trumpeter claimed credit for creating and naming the zoot suit with the reet pleat, the reave sleeve, the ripe stripe, the stuff cuff and the drape shape that was the stage rage during the boogie-woogie rhyme time of the early 1940’s. Subsequently, Broadway Productions, Hollywood Movies, the gentleman’s ‘High Fashion,’ and “Church Brothers’ clothing industry have utilized, modified and often exaggerated the Zoot Suit for their own purposes. So have Costume Theme Party Goers. Therefore, we have a ridiculously huge collection of outlandish and wonderful Zoot Suits, Zoot Hats, Men’s Pimpin’ Ties & Pocket Squares, Canes, Zoot Chains and more, all useful for Prom, Homecoming, Fabulous Theme Parties and Sunday-go-to-Meeting Attire.
Posted in Christmas Party Fashions, 1940s Men, 1930s Men, 1920s Men, Gangsters, Gentlemen’s Clothing, Men’s Fashion, Motown, Prom and Homecoming, Prom Tuxedos and Suits, Show Biz, Showmen, Swing Dance, Swing is King, Vintage Suits, Vintage Hats, Zoot Suits | Comments Off on Zoot Suit Megastore, Zoot Hats, High Fashion, Prom Zoot HQ

Black Diamond Showman’s Coat
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