
Ladies Victorian Necklace Watches, Extra Small Steampunk Pocket Watches, Fancy Victorian Steampunk Pocket Watches, Ladies Steampunk Decorative Clock Necklaces, Steampunk Victorian Accessory Pocket Watches, Ornate Tiny Victorian Pocket Watches, Ladies Steampunk Jewelry & Accessories, Steampunk Costume Accessories
Posted in 1920s Ladies, 1900s, Murder Mysteries, Steampunk Ladies Accessories, Victorian Ladies, Jewelry, Pocket Watches, Titanic | Comments Off on Ladies Victorian Necklace Watches, Extra Small Steampunk Pocket Watches, Fancy Victorian Steampunk Pocket Watches, Ladies Steampunk Decorative Clock Necklaces, Steampunk Victorian Accessory Pocket Watches, Ornate Tiny Victorian Pocket Watches, Ladies Steampunk Jewelry & Accessories, Steampunk Costume Accessories

When it comes to Classic Historical Period Royalty Jewelry for Theatrical & Film Productions we’ve got it. If you want Gaudy Show Off Costume Jewelry for Theme Party or Fund Raiser Charity Balls, we have more than you could ever imagine. This Texas Bling Queen Theme Party Costume is just one example of some of the different styles of jewelry we keep in stock all year round. Maybe you just need Focus Pieces or Statement Making Jewelry for The Dallas Cattle Baron’s Ball Charity Fundraiser for the American Cancer Society. You have unlimited choices here. Get Subtle or Audacious Jewelry for Texas Rich Cowgirl or Cowboy Outfits. We have Baroque Era Costume Jewelry, Renaissance Period Jewels, Medieval, Gothic, Victorian and Art Deco Jewelry, You’ll be amazed how well we are able to compliment any Decade or Century Historical Costume with the Period Correct Jewelry for Royalty, Merchant Class or Peasant Class Characters. Nobody in Dallas, Texas or anywhere has more High Quality Period Correct Jewelry than Dallas Vintage Shop.
Posted in Texas Rich, Jewelry | Comments Off on Texas Bling Queen, Cattle Baron’s Ball Dallas, Texas Rich Costumes

Dallas Zoot Suit Accessories and Jewelry Men’s Rings, Cuff Links, Bow Ties, etc.
Posted in 1920s Men, Jewelry, Harlem Nights, Idlewild | Comments Off on Zoot Suit Accessories and Jewelry

Art Deco Rhinestone Necklaces, 1920s Rhinestone Art Deco Necklaces, Art Deco Gala Rhinestone Neclaces, Art Deco Evening Attire Jewelry
Posted in 1920s Ladies, Art Deco Era, Cattle Baron's Ball, Flappers, Jazz, Margarita Ball, Masquerade Ball, Murder Mysteries, Prom and Homecoming, Tea Parties, Vintage Gala Dresses, Wedding Themes, Jewelry, Great Gatsby, The Great Gatsby | Comments Off on Art Deco Rhinestone Necklaces, 1920s Rhinestone Art Deco Necklaces, Art Deco Gala Rhinestone Neclaces, Art Deco Evening Attire Jewelry

30s, 40s, 50’s & 60s Pearl Necklaces, Bracelets, Earrings & Brooches
Posted in 1960s Ladies, 1950s Ladies, 1940s Ladies, 1930s Ladies, Burlesque, Cattle Baron's Ball, Derby Dames, Film Noir, Pin Up, Preppy, Swing Dance, Texas Rich, USO Dance, Wedding Themes, Jewelry, Lucille Ball, Madonna, Titanic | Comments Off on 30s, 40s, 50’s & 60s Pearl Necklaces, Bracelets, Earrings & Brooches

Art Deco Style Jewelry, Art Deco Great Gatsby Costume Jewelry. Art Deco 1920s Flapper Jewelry
Posted in 1920s Ladies, Art Deco Era, Flappers, Jewelry, Famous People, Productions, Titles, Cotton Club, Great Gatsby, Harlem Nights, Idlewild, The Great Gatsby | Comments Off on Art Deco Style Jewelry, Art Deco Great Gatsby Costume Jewelry. Art Deco 1920s Flapper Jewelry

Art Deco Jewelry, Art Deco Broaches, Art Deco Pendants, Art Deco Accessories, Art Deco Style Jewelry
Posted in 1920s Ladies, 1900s, Art Deco Era, Big Band, Flappers, Jewelry, Cotton Club, Idlewild | Comments Off on Art Deco Jewelry, Art Deco Broaches, Art Deco Pendants, Art Deco Accessories, Art Deco Style Jewelry

Ladies Gala Jewelry, Ladies Masquerade Ball Jewelery, Ladies Royalty Style Jewelery, English Royalty Style Jewelery, Renaissance Queen Costume Jewelery, Baroque Royalty Costume Jewelry, Aristocracy Style Costume Jewelry, Period Costume Jewelry, Costume Royalty Jewelry, Gaudy Costume Jewelry, Texas Rich Costume Jewelry, Imitation Royalty Jewelry. Period Royalty Costume Jewelry, Royals Costume Jewels, Jewelry Royalty Costumes,
Posted in 1980s Ladies, 1920s Ladies, Antebellum, Baroque, Casino Parties, Cattle Baron's Ball, Int'l English, Margarita Ball, Masquerade Ball, Royalty, Show Biz, Showgirl, Southern Belles, Texas Rich, Vintage Gala Dresses, Jewelry, Aretha Franklin, Madonna, Marie Antoinette, Marilyn Monroe, Las Vegas | Comments Off on Vintage Style Gala Jewelry for Formal Attire, Luxurious Ball Gowns & Royalty Costumes

Art Deco Rings, Art Deco Style Rings, 1920s Style Rings, 1920s Costume Jewelry, 1920s Art Deco Costume Rings
Posted in 1920s Ladies, Art Deco Era, Flappers, Jewelry, Great Gatsby, The Great Gatsby | Comments Off on Art Deco Rings, Art Deco Style Rings, 1920s Style Rings, 1920s Costume Jewelry, 1920s Art Deco Costume Rings

Art Deco Earrings, Art Deco Jewelery, Elegant Art Deco Rhinestone Earrings, Art Deco Evening Attire Earrings
Posted in 1920s Ladies, Art Deco Era, Cattle Baron's Ball, Flappers, Gala Balls, Jazz, Margarita Ball, Prom and Homecoming, Show Biz, Showgirl, Jewelry, Chicago, Cotton Club, Great Gatsby, Harlem Nights, Idlewild, The Great Gatsby | Comments Off on Art Deco Earrings, Art Deco Jewelery, Elegant Art Deco Rhinestone Earrings, Art Deco Evening Attire Earrings
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