
4th of July John Adams, 2nd US President Costume: First US Vice President, Successful Boston Lawyer and Political Essay Writer, US Foreign Diplomat, Father of John Quincy Adams(6th US President), Member of 1st & 2nd Continental Congress, Revolutionary War Supporter, etc. We have all the Historical Period Attire you need for any Historic, TV Historic, Historical Movie, Theatrical, Political Holiday Parade or Theme Party Costumes.
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Nobody has more Barbershop Quartet Attire than we do. Welcome to the Barbershop Quartet Revival of the 1940s. The Barbershop acapella, four part tight harmony style goes farther back in history but was most prominent in the 1940s and is still common today.
We have Barber Shop Quartet Costume Supplies. Find Red and White Striped Barbershop Quartet Coats and Vests, Skimmer Hats, Boater Hats, Vintage Canes, Vintage Glasses and Spectacles, curly mustaches, Patriotic Bow Ties, Vintage Bow Ties, White Trousers and Pants, Men,s Spats, Men’s Pocket Watches, Barber Shop Quarter Arm Garters and Armbands and everything you need for Professional Musicians, Theatrical Groups, Theme Parties, Memorial Day and other Patriotic Holidays and Events.
Posted in 1940s Men, Barbershop, Barbershop Quartet, Hol's Memorial Day, Patriotic, Memorial Day, Show Biz | Comments Off on Barbershop Quartet Attire, Skimmer Hats, Patriotic Costumes, Memorial Day Costumes

You will find Excellent Quality Patriotic Barbershop Quartet Outfits, Blazers, Skimmers, Canes, Vests, Shoes, Bow Ties and even Mustaches & Spectacle Glasses in stock and in a large variety of styles and price points.
We have a Giant Selection & Variety of Barbershop Quartet Outfits. You will find Barbershop Blazers, Red & White Suits, Boater Hats, Bow Ties, Red & White Jackets, Vests & Shoes, Gentleman’s Canes, Period Eye Glasses & Mustaches, We have Complete Quality Outfits or Economy Costumes.
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Posted in Patriotic, Uncle Sam | Comments Off on Uncle Sam Costume

We have every Patriotic Costume for Memorial Day in Dallas you can imagine and ideas that will surprise and amaze you!
Posted in Barbershop, Barbershop Quartet, Hol's Memorial Day, Patriotic, Memorial Day | Comments Off on Memorial Day Patriotic Costumes in Dallas

Patriotic Hats, Uncle Sam Hat & Suit, Costume Hats, Giant Costume Hats, Party Hats, Red White Blue Hats & Costumes
Uncle Sam Costume, Patriotic Hats
Posted in Hol's Memorial Day, Patriotic, Memorial Day, Uncle Sam | Comments Off on Patriotic Hats, Uncle Sam Hat & Suit, Costume Hats, Giant Costume Hats, Party Hats, Red White Blue Hats & Costumes

You will find any Patriotic Hero Costume imaginable. This Patriotic Abraham Lincoln Costume is only one of many Historical Characters available. We also have tons of Red White & Blue Patriotic Holiday Celebration & Parade Costume Ideas will show your American Spirit and get you noticed. Go serious or go wild & whimsical.
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Mens Italian Boater Hats, Mens Quality Skimmer Hats, Mens Costume Quality Skimmer & Boater Hats, Mens Turn of the Century Skimmer Hats, Mens Period Skimmer Hats, Mens Historic Period Boater Hats, Mens 1900s Boater Hats, Mens 1920s Skimmer Hats
Posted in 1930s Men, 1920s Men, 1900s, Barbershop, Barbershop Quartet, Big Band, Bluegrass, Derby Gents, Edwardian, Int'l Italian, Kentucky Derby, Patriotic, Prohibition, Show Biz, Vaudeville, Hats Men, Boardwalk Empire, Music Man | Comments Off on Mens Italian Boater Hats, Mens Quality Skimmer Hats, Mens Costume Quality Skimmer & Boater Hats, Mens Turn of the Century Skimmer Hats, Mens Period Skimmer Hats, Mens Historic Period Boater Hats, Mens 1900s Boater Hats, Mens 1920s Skimmer Hats