Cosplay Westworld Character Delores Abernathy Pants Look

Join the revolution with Dolores’ pants look. Cosplay Dolores with a Brown Cowboy Hat, Blue/White Shirt, Brown Belt, Grey Skinny Jeans or Chaps, Brown Leather Boots, and Twin Pistols with Holsters. You can also cosplay Dolores’ look as a host with a Full Dolores Abernathy Dress Costume.
We have the largest & most diverse collection of Old West Women’s Period Attire and every imaginable accessory in stock in the Dallas, DFW or North Texas Area. Get Old West Authentic Crease Cowboy Hats and Victorian Hats, Old West Replica Guns, Real Leather Gun Belts & Holsters, Lawman’s Badges of any kind imaginable, Western Boots, Period Eye Glasses, Banded Collar Shirts, Spurs and even the Pocket Watches for Old West Theatrical Costumes.