'Austin Celtic Festival'

We have all the kilts, swords, sporrans, dirks, wigs, shirts and accessories you will need for your William Wallace Braveheart Scottish Reformer Costume. Are you ready for the Austin Celtic Festival 11/3-4/2018?
Posted in Int'l Celtic, Int'l Scottish, Kilts, Warriors Men, Austin Celtic Festival, William Wallace Braveheart, Austin | Comments Off on AUSTIN CELTIC FEST UPDATE William Wallace Braveheart Costume, Scottish Celtic Reformer: Austin Celtic Festival

Visit Austin Celtic Festival 2018. We have Celtic attire and we can get you ready for the Celtic Festival in Austin on 11/3-4 2018. Dallas Vintage Shop has all the garb and costume ideas you need.
Posted in Austin Celtic Festival, Austin | Comments Off on UPDATE: Austin Celtic Festival 2018: 11/3-4/2018 Austin Celtic Festival Costume Ideas for Celtic Women

Just look at this beautiful Celtic Hooded Cloak. Perfect for the Austin Celtic Festival, Scarborough Faire or Texas Renaissance Festival.
Posted in Fantasy, Gladiators and Warriors, Int'l Celtic, Medieval, Scarborough Fair, Austin Celtic Festival, Austin | Comments Off on EVENT NEWS: Austin Celtic Festival: Celtic Warrior Hooded Cloak

Want an alternative costume idea for Scarborough Fair? Try this Medieval Irish Celtic Guardian Fairy Costume. We can help you create many kinds for fairies, angels, pixies, brownies or nymphs, We have Medieval garb, fairy and angel wings, robes, cloaks, gowns and astonishing selection of Fairy Costume Ideas. Our Medieval Celtic jewelry is incredible.
Posted in Fantasy, Int'l Celtic, Int'l Irish, Medieval, Scarborough Fair, Austin Celtic Festival, Austin | Comments Off on Guardian Celtic Fairy: Renaissance Fair Costume Ideas, Guardian Angels.

Vintage Golfer Caps, Vintage Golfer Newsboy Caps, Irish Gentlemens Golfing Caps, Scottish Highlander Caps, Scottish Costume Berets, Irish Costume Berets
Posted in Hol's St. Patty's Day, Int'l Celtic, Int'l Irish, Int'l Scottish, St. Patty's Day, Vintage Golfers, Hats Men, Austin Celtic Festival, William Wallace Braveheart | Comments Off on Vintage Golfer Caps, Vintage Golfer Newsboy Caps, Irish Gentlemens Golfing Caps, Scottish Highlander Caps, Scottish Costume Berets, Irish Costume Berets

In our unlimited collection of Walking Canes, you will find many styles of Canes that are perfect for any Time Period Costumes, Cosplay Character Outfits, Movie Character’s Attire or for any Famous Historical & Fictional Characters imaginable. We have more styles of Walking Canes than any Costumes Shop or Clothing Store in the Dallas, DFW or North Texas Area. Get Ornate Walking Canes, Mystical Themed Walking Canes, Renaissance Themed Walking Canes, Dragon Head Walking Canes, Serpent Head Walking Canes, Medieval Themed Walking Canes, Snake Head Walking Canes, Fantasy Themed Walking Canes, Finely Detailed Walking Cains, Vampire Walking Canes, Wizards Walking Canes, Cosplay Character Walking Canes, Renaissance Period Walking Canes, Medieval Period Walking Canes, Pimp Daddy Walking Canes, Goth, Walking Canes Victorian Walking Canes the largest selection and variety of unique, elegant, mystical, intricate or fashionable Walking Canes you have ever seen. We keep all of these Walking Canes in stock all year round. And remember, we have the Historical Period or Fantasy Costume Characters Outfits and fabulous matching accessories for all these themes of Walking Canes. (♠)
Posted in A-Kon Masquerade Ball, Alternative Fashions, Executioner, Fairies, Gaming Conventions, Knights, Magic, Medieval, Scarborough Fair, Texas Renaissance Festival, Witches, Austin Celtic Festival, Daenerys Targaryen, Game of Thrones, Gandalf The White, King Arthur, Lord of the Rings, Merlin, Monty Python, Xena Warrior Princess, Waxahachie | Comments Off on Any Themed Walking Cane Imaginable: Ornate Walking Canes, Mystical Themed Walking Canes, Renaissance Themed Walking Canes, Dragon Head Walking Canes, Serpent Head Walking Canes, Medieval Themed Walking Canes, Snake Head Walking Canes, Fantasy Themed Walking Canes, Detailed Walking Cains