'Vintage Hats'

We have Vintage Clothing and Hats for Famous and Historical African American Women. This 1950’s Lena Horne Costume is a sample of the Important Historical Women’s Outfits we can provide. Others would be Corretta Scott King, Josephine Baker, Harriet Tubman, Ruby Dee, Phillis Wheatley, Rosa Parks and many others form any Decade or Century. Let us help you find the outfits for Black Heritage Month, Historical Black Women, Juneteenth Celebrations, Famous Black Women, Important African American Women or for any Black Heritage Events.
Posted in Film Noir, Juneteenth, Tea Parties, Theatrical, Vintage Hats, Hats Ladies | Comments Off on Lena Horne Costume & Hat, Black Heratige Month Attire & Hats, Pillbox Hats, 1930s Hats, 1940s Hats, 1950s Hats, 1960s Hats and other Elegant Vintage Hats for Ladies Period Attire

We have Complete Victorian, Dickens Era & Old West Outfits or just the Hats or Accessories you need. We have it all. Like a complete line Victorian Attire, Vintage Style Bowler & Top Hats, Elegant Victorian Capes & Dickens Era Attire, High Quality Victorian Fashions, Ladies Dresses, Mens 1800s Suits, Long Coats, Tail Coats, Morning Coats & Victorian Cloaks and Capes. Don’t forget we have Victorian Jewelry and everything you need to create the look you want.
Posted in 1900s, Blackland Prairie Festival, Couples Costume Ideas, Dickens, Pioneer, Prairie, Texas etc., Texas Rich, Vintage Ties and Vests, Vintage Hats, Wedding Themes, Western Wear | Comments Off on Dickens Era Victorian Attire, Vintage Style 1800s Hats, Elegant Victorian Clokes & Capes, High Quality Victorian Fashions

Technically, the Zoot Suit was more of fashion and attitude statement supposedly, first worn by some African American and Jazz Era Artists in the 20’s and 30’s and was eventually adopted by some men in the Latino, Chicano, Filipino and Italian communities, especially in L.A., which eventually led to the ‘Zoot Suit Riots.’ Meanwhile, in Chicago, Harold C. Fox, a clothier and sometime big-band trumpeter claimed credit for creating and naming the zoot suit with the reet pleat, the reave sleeve, the ripe stripe, the stuff cuff and the drape shape that was the stage rage during the boogie-woogie rhyme time of the early 1940’s. Subsequently, Broadway Productions, Hollywood Movies, the gentleman’s ‘High Fashion,’ and “Church Brothers’ clothing industry have utilized, modified and often exaggerated the Zoot Suit for their own purposes. So have Costume Theme Party Goers. Therefore, we have a ridiculously huge collection of outlandish and wonderful Zoot Suits, Zoot Hats, Men’s Pimpin’ Ties & Pocket Squares, Canes, Zoot Chains and more, all useful for Prom, Homecoming, Fabulous Theme Parties and Sunday-go-to-Meeting Attire.
Posted in Christmas Party Fashions, 1940s Men, 1930s Men, 1920s Men, Gangsters, Gentlemen’s Clothing, Men’s Fashion, Motown, Prom and Homecoming, Prom Tuxedos and Suits, Show Biz, Showmen, Swing Dance, Swing is King, Vintage Suits, Vintage Hats, Zoot Suits | Comments Off on Zoot Suit Megastore, Zoot Hats, High Fashion, Prom Zoot HQ

Dickens Era Tail Coats & Top Hats, Dickens Victorian Mens Formal Hats, Mens Dickens Era Period Hats
Posted in 1900s, Dickens, Dickens on The Strand, Show Biz, Vintage Tuxedos, Vintage Hats | Comments Off on Dickens Era Tail Coats & Top Hats, Dickens Victorian Mens Formal Hats, Mens Dickens Era Period Hats

Pillbox Hats, Vintage Fur Pillbox Hats, Animal Fur Vintage Pillbox Hats, Period Hats
Posted in 1960s Ladies, 1950s Ladies, 1940s Ladies, 1930s Ladies, Hangar Dance, Kid's Theatrical Costumes, Swing Dance, Swing is King, Tea Parties, USO Dance, Vintage Hats, Hats Ladies | Comments Off on Pillbox Hats, Vintage Fur Pillbox Hats, Animal Fur Vintage Pillbox Hats, Period Hats

Mens Period Fedoras, Mens Gray Period Fedoras, Mens Brown Period Fedoras, Mens Period Charcoal Fedoras, Mens Black Period Fedoras, Mens Costume Fedoras, Mens Historic Period Fedoras, Mens Period Attire & Accessories
Posted in 1950s Men, 1940s Men, 1930s Men, 1920s Men, Big Band, Derby Gents, Film Noir, Gangsters, Hangar Dance, Murder Mysteries, Swing Dance, USO Dance, Vintage Hats, Hats Men, Al Capone, Baby Face Nelson, Boardwalk Empire, Bonnie and Clyde, Casablanca, Cotton Club, Doctor Who, Downton Abbey, Gangster Squad, Great Gatsby, Guys and Dolls, Harlem Nights, Hugh Hefner, Idlewild, Indiana Jones, John Dillinger, Mad Men, Marlon Brando, Mickey Spillane, Music Man, Nucky Thompson, Public Enemy, Singin' in the Rain, The Godfather, The Great Gatsby, Tin Cup, Warren Beatty | Comments Off on Mens Period Fedoras, Mens Gray Period Fedoras, Mens Brown Period Fedoras, Mens Period Charcoal Fedoras, Mens Black Period Fedoras, Mens Costume Fedoras, Mens Historic Period Fedoras, Mens Period Attire & Accessories

We are the Largest Mens Hat Shop in Dallas and North Texas. We carry over 10,000 hats for men in 100’s of styles in every color and quality imaginable in huge quantities.
Posted in 1940s Men, 1930s Men, 1920s Men, Derby Gents, Gangsters, Kentucky Derby, Men’s Fashion, Motown, Prom and Homecoming, Prom Tuxedos and Suits, Show Biz, Showmen, Swing Dance, Swing is King, Urban & High Fashion, Vintage Hats, Hats Men, Great Gatsby, Guys and Dolls, The Great Gatsby | Comments Off on Dallas Largest Hat Shop for Men: Godfathers, Zoots, Derbies, Fedoras, for Urban Wear, Etc.

Men’s Vaudeville Bowler Hats, Men’s Derby Hats, Men’s High Fashion Hats, Men’s Victorian Hat’s, Men’s 1920s Hats, Men’s Period Hats, Men’s Vintage Hats, Men’s Bowler Hats, Men’s Derby Hats, Men’s High Fashion Hats, Men’s Victorian Hats, Men’s 1920s Hats, Men’s Period Hats, Men’s Vintage Hats, Men’s Formal Attire Hats, Men’s White Bowler Hats, Gentleman’s Period Hats and they come in any color imaginable.
Posted in 1930s Men, 1920s Men, Derby Gents, Dickens, Dickens on The Strand, Kentucky Derby, Kid's Theatrical Costumes, Lone Star Park Derby Day Hats, Magic, Men’s Fashion, Prom and Homecoming, Prom Tuxedos and Suits, Scarborough Fair Steampunk, Show Biz, Showmen, Urban & High Fashion, Urban Cowboys, Vaudeville, Victorian Men, Vintage Hats, Hats Men | Comments Off on Men’s Bowler Hats, Men’s Derby Hats, Men’s High Fashion Hats, Men’s Victorian Hats, Men’s 1920s Hats, Men’s Vaudevillian Period Hats, Men’s Vintage Hats, Men’s Magician Formal Attire Hats, Men’s White Bowler Hats, Gentlemen’s Period Hats and they come in any color imaginable.

1920’s Skimmers, Victorian Boater Hats, Polititions Straw Hats, Plantation Owner Hats, Vintage Hats, Historical Period Hats, Mens Costume Hats
Posted in 1930s Men, 1920s Men, 1900s, Barbershop Quartet, Blackland Prairie Festival, Blues, Broadway and Theatre, Fourth of July, Gangsters, Hol's Memorial Day, Hol's Fourth of July, Jazz, Kentucky Derby, Lone Star Park Derby Day Hats, Patriotic, Memorial Day, Show Biz, Showmen, Southern Gentlemen, Vintage Hats, Hats Men | Comments Off on Mens Victorian Hats,1920’s Skimmers, 1930s Hats, Victorian Boater Hats, Polititions Straw Hats, Plantation Owner Hats, Vintage Hats, Historical Period Hats, Mens Costume Hats

Men’s Victorian Top Hats, Mens Victorian Coachmans Hats, Gentlemens Top Hats, Charcoal Mad Hatter Top Hat, Victorian Bell Topper Hat
Posted in 1930s Men, 1920s Men, 1900s, Blackland Prairie Festival, Broadway and Theatre, Dickens, Dickens on The Strand, Gentlemen’s Clothing, Magic, Margarita Ball, Murder Mysteries, Show Biz, Southern Gentlemen, Steampunk Hats, Tea Parties, Vaudeville, Vintage Tuxedos, Vintage Hats, Wedding Themes, Hats Men, Alice in Wonderland, Bill the Butcher, Mad Hatter, Monopoly Man, Scrooge, Slash, Stevie Nicks, Super Villain Party, Wizard of Oz | Comments Off on Men’s Victorian Top Hats, Mens Victorian Coachmans Hats, Gentlemens Top Hats, Charcoal Mad Hatter Top Hat, Victorian Bell Topper Hats, Magicians Top Hats, Vaudvillian Characters Top Hats