'Victorian Ladies'

This Dramatic Victorian Red Taffeta & Black Lace Bustle Dress is only one of our many, many Ladies Victorian Party Dresses. We have this in many colors along with other styles of dresses and other Victorian Clothing, Ladies suits and all the Costumes & Accessories you’ll need for Theatrical Productions, Victorian Festivals or Dickens on the Strand in Galveston. Don’t forget, we have amazing Victorian Hats, Parasols, Gloves, Purses, Cameos, Brooches, Cameo and other period correct earrings.
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This Fabulous Outfit is perfect for Victorian Madams, Victorian Saloon Girls, Victorian Show Girls, Victorian Cabaret, Vaudeville Traveling Show Entertainers, Gunsmoke’s ‘Miss Kitty’ or other famous Movie, Theatrical or TV Old West Lady Characters. Our wigs, hats, corsets, bustles, garters, gloves, chokers & Jewelry, Shoes and every accessory imaginable is here and we are open all year round.
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We have this Lovely Late Victorian Era Taffeta Party Dress in all sizes including plus sizes and several colors, This would be perfect for a Sunday drive. We have Ladies Victorian Period Driving Hats, and all the Goggles, Scarves, Furs & Wraps for you to tool around the town square in all the latest Fashionable Proper Late Victorian Attire.
Posted in Victorian Ladies | Comments Off on Late Victorian Era Taffeta Party Dress, Ladies Victorian Period Driving Suits & Hats Dallas, Fancy Victorian Hats & Dresses Dallas,

We have this particular Victorian Era Taffeta & Lace Fancy Bustle Dress in many colors. After all, you must make the proper impression for Victorian Society to approve. That is precisely why Dallas Vintage Shop offers you so many Fashionable Victorian Dresses and Dickens Era Ensembles, all accessorized to perfection.
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We have a huge assortment of Ladies & Little Ladies Victorian Historical Period Costumes & Accessories. We have Theatrical Quality or Costume Quality for Historical Reenactments or Historical Book Reports & and Living Statue Projects.
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This Beautiful Velvet & Lace Victorian Bustle Dress Comes in many colors. We have enough Bustle Dresses to drive a Victorian Socialite mad, We have many other Victorian Period Evening Dresses and Ensembles. We could be just a Victorian Costume Shop with all the men’s and ladies Victorian Era Clothing, Jewelry, Shoes, boots, hats, gloves, Coats, Cloaks, Gowns, Wigs, Parasols and any accessory you can imagine.
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We have Victorian Attire for Ladies or Gentlemen. This Lovely Taffeta Victorian Dress comes in many colors and with long or short sleves. We have many, many Victorian Period Dresses & Costumes for any occasion, historical reenactment, theatrical or film production and for Dickens on the Strand and other Dickens & Victorian Events and Festivals. Let us dress you from head to toe or help you find just the right pieces that will give you the look you want.
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Suffragettes Historical Character Costumes, Victorian Era Women’s Rights Activists Attire, Ladies Historical Costumes Alice Paul Suffragette.
Posted in Historical, Victorian Ladies | Comments Off on Suffragettes Historical Characters Costumes, Victorian Era Womens Rights Activists Attire, Ladies Historical Costumes Alice Paul American Suffragette

Find all the Ladies Victorian Dresses, Fancy Hats, Gloves, Jewelry, Cloaks, Furs, Capes, Shoes, Boots, Blouses, Shirts, Petticoats, Crinolines, Bustles, Bustle Dresses, Bustle Skirts and everything that you can think of for Victorian Society Period Attire.
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This Florence Nightingale British Victorian Social Reformer & Nurse Outfit is one example of Period Attire & all necessary accessories you will find here. From Gala to blue collar, we can help you customize any decade or any century.
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