
Fancy Steampunk Pumps With Gears, Quality Steampunk Ladies Attire & Accessories, Ladies Steampunk Pumps, Ladies Victorian Steampunk Shoes & Boots, Fancy Victorian Lace Shoes & Boots
Posted in Antebellum, Blackland Prairie Festival, Dickens, Edwardian, Old West Ladies Accessories, Saloon Girls, Southern Belles, Steampunk Ladies, Steampunk Ladies Accessories, Vaudeville, Victorian Ladies, Wedding Themes, Wild West, Shoes | Comments Off on Fancy Steampunk Pumps With Gears, Quality Steampunk Ladies Attire & Accessories, Ladies Steampunk Pumps, Ladies Victorian Steampunk Shoes & Boots, Fancy Victorian Lace Shoes & Boots

‘Diamond Lil’ Costume, Vaudevillian Play Character ‘Diamond Lil’ Costume, Famous Vaudevillian Character Costumes, Vaudeville Attire, Vaudeville Costumes & Accessories
This customers version of “Diamond Lil,” a Mae West Costume from the 30’s and 40’s.
Dallas Vintage Shop provides the largest collection of 1900’s clothing and costumes in the Metroplex. From turn of the century 1900 to any decade in the 1900’s if it is the Nineteen-hundreds outfits you need for vintage car shows, 1900’s fashion, 1900’s accessories including hats, coats, shoes, ties, suits, dresses. wigs or jewelery, we have clothing and costumes for the 1900’s covered.
Posted in 1900s, Blackland Prairie Festival, Burlesque, Celebrities, Movie Characters, Vaudeville | Comments Off on ‘Diamond Lil’ Costume, Vaudevillian Play Character ‘Diamond Lil’ Costume, Famous Vaudevillian Character Costumes, Vaudeville Attire, Vaudeville Costumes & Accessories

Mens Victorian Ascots, Gentlemens Fashion Ascots, Formal Attire Ascots, Black & White Ascots, Jacquard Ascots, Period Ascots
Posted in 1900s, Antebellum, Blackland Prairie Festival, Dickens, Magic, Men’s Fashion, Steampunk Mens Accessories, Vaudeville, Victorian Men, Vintage Tuxedos, Vintage Ties and Vests, Wedding Themes, Ascots, Abraham Lincoln, Ben Franklin, Bill the Butcher, Charlie Chaplin, Doc Holiday, Gangs of New York, Monopoly Man, Phantom of the Opera, Sam Houston, Scrooge, Sherlock Holmes, Wild Wild West, Wizard of Oz | Comments Off on Mens Victorian Ascots, Gentlemens Fashion Ascots, Formal Attire Ascots, Black & White Ascots, Jacquard Ascots, Period Ascots

Small Black Lace Costume Parasols, Small Victorian Lace Umbrellas, Small Edwardian Lace Parasols, Small Regency Lace Parasols, Small Wedding Lace Parasols, Small Tea Party Lace Umbrellas, Small White Lace Parasols, Pink Small Lace Umbrellas, Small Titanic Lace Sun Parasols
Posted in 1900s, Antebellum, Blackland Prairie Festival, Burning Man, Civil War, Dickens, Edwardian, Regency Period, Southern Belles, Steampunk Ladies Accessories, Tea Parties, Vaudeville, Victorian Ladies, Wedding Themes, Parasols & Umbrellas, Jane Austen, Ms. Kitty, My Fair Lady, Pride & Prejudice, Santa Anna Mexican General, Wild Wild West | Comments Off on Small Black Lace Costume Parasols, Small Victorian Lace Umbrellas, Small Edwardian Lace Parasols, Small Regency Lace Parasols, Small Wedding Lace Parasols, Small Tea Party Lace Umbrellas, Small White Lace Parasols, Pink Small Lace Umbrellas, Small Titanic Lace Sun Parasols

Gorgeous Beautiful Victorian Parasol, Beautiful Old West Parasol, Dramatic Derby Dame Umbrella, Unique Mary Poppins Parasol, Theatrical Parasols, Stage Production Parasol Prop, Historical Period Umbrellas
Posted in 1900s, Antebellum, Blackland Prairie Festival, Derby Dames, Dickens on The Strand, Edwardian, Kentucky Derby, Southern Belles, Steampunk Ladies Accessories, Vaudeville, Victorian Ladies, Parasols & Umbrellas, Mary Poppins, Ms. Kitty, Music Man, My Fair Lady, Pride & Prejudice | Comments Off on Gorgeous Beautiful Victorian Parasol, Beautiful Old West Parasol, Dramatic Derby Dame Umbrella, Unique Mary Poppins Parasol, Theatrical Parasols, Stage Production Parasol Prop, Historical Period Umbrellas

Mens Italian Boater Hats, Mens Quality Skimmer Hats, Mens Costume Quality Skimmer & Boater Hats, Mens Turn of the Century Skimmer Hats, Mens Period Skimmer Hats, Mens Historic Period Boater Hats, Mens 1900s Boater Hats, Mens 1920s Skimmer Hats
Posted in 1930s Men, 1920s Men, 1900s, Barbershop, Barbershop Quartet, Big Band, Bluegrass, Derby Gents, Edwardian, Int'l Italian, Kentucky Derby, Patriotic, Prohibition, Show Biz, Vaudeville, Hats Men, Boardwalk Empire, Music Man | Comments Off on Mens Italian Boater Hats, Mens Quality Skimmer Hats, Mens Costume Quality Skimmer & Boater Hats, Mens Turn of the Century Skimmer Hats, Mens Period Skimmer Hats, Mens Historic Period Boater Hats, Mens 1900s Boater Hats, Mens 1920s Skimmer Hats

Men’s Vaudeville Bowler Hats, Men’s Derby Hats, Men’s High Fashion Hats, Men’s Victorian Hat’s, Men’s 1920s Hats, Men’s Period Hats, Men’s Vintage Hats, Men’s Bowler Hats, Men’s Derby Hats, Men’s High Fashion Hats, Men’s Victorian Hats, Men’s 1920s Hats, Men’s Period Hats, Men’s Vintage Hats, Men’s Formal Attire Hats, Men’s White Bowler Hats, Gentleman’s Period Hats and they come in any color imaginable.
Posted in 1930s Men, 1920s Men, Derby Gents, Dickens, Dickens on The Strand, Kentucky Derby, Kid's Theatrical Costumes, Lone Star Park Derby Day Hats, Magic, Men’s Fashion, Prom and Homecoming, Prom Tuxedos and Suits, Scarborough Fair Steampunk, Show Biz, Showmen, Urban & High Fashion, Urban Cowboys, Vaudeville, Victorian Men, Vintage Hats, Hats Men | Comments Off on Men’s Bowler Hats, Men’s Derby Hats, Men’s High Fashion Hats, Men’s Victorian Hats, Men’s 1920s Hats, Men’s Vaudevillian Period Hats, Men’s Vintage Hats, Men’s Magician Formal Attire Hats, Men’s White Bowler Hats, Gentlemen’s Period Hats and they come in any color imaginable.

Mens Patriotic Suspenders, Mens Rodeo Clown Suspenders, Mens Red White & Blue Suspenders, Mens Novelty Suspenders, Uncle Sam Costume Suspenders, Barbershop Quartet Suspenders
Posted in Barbershop, Carnies, Circus, Clowns, Fourth of July, Hol's Memorial Day, Hol's Fourth of July, Memorial Day, Texas etc., Vaudeville, Suspenders, Mary Poppins, Music Man, Texas, Uncle Sam | Comments Off on Mens Patriotic Suspenders, Mens Rodeo Clown Suspenders, Mens Red White & Blue Suspenders, Mens Novelty Suspenders, Uncle Sam Costume Suspenders, Barbershop Quartet Suspenders

Men’s Victorian Top Hats, Mens Victorian Coachmans Hats, Gentlemens Top Hats, Charcoal Mad Hatter Top Hat, Victorian Bell Topper Hat
Posted in 1930s Men, 1920s Men, 1900s, Blackland Prairie Festival, Broadway and Theatre, Dickens, Dickens on The Strand, Gentlemen’s Clothing, Magic, Margarita Ball, Murder Mysteries, Show Biz, Southern Gentlemen, Steampunk Hats, Tea Parties, Vaudeville, Vintage Tuxedos, Vintage Hats, Wedding Themes, Hats Men, Alice in Wonderland, Bill the Butcher, Mad Hatter, Monopoly Man, Scrooge, Slash, Stevie Nicks, Super Villain Party, Wizard of Oz | Comments Off on Men’s Victorian Top Hats, Mens Victorian Coachmans Hats, Gentlemens Top Hats, Charcoal Mad Hatter Top Hat, Victorian Bell Topper Hats, Magicians Top Hats, Vaudvillian Characters Top Hats

Eyeglasses 1800s, Period Eyeglasses 1910s, 1920s Style Eyeglasses, 1930s Style Eyeglasses, Historical Characters Period Eyeglasses, Period Costume Eyeglasses
Posted in 1940s Ladies, 1940s Men, 1930s Ladies, 1930s Men, 1920s Ladies, 1920s Men, 1900s, Barbershop, Barbershop Quartet, Big Band, Blues, Christmas Victorian, Derby Gents, Dickens, Dickens on The Strand, Film Noir, Jazz, Kid's Historical Costumes, Kid's Theatrical Costumes, Leprechaun, Prohibition, School Project Costumes, Steampunk Ladies Accessories, Steampunk Mens Accessories, Swing is King, Vaudeville, Victorian Men, Vintage Golfers, Zoot Suits, Eyeglasses, Sunglasses, Great Gatsby, Guns N Roses, Scrooge, Slash, Teddy Roosevelt, The Great Gatsby, Wild Wild West | Comments Off on Eyeglasses 1800s, Period Eyeglasses 1910s, 1920s Style Eyeglasses, 1930s Style Eyeglasses, Historical Characters Period Eyeglasses, Period Costume Eyeglasses