Thanksgiving Plymouth Colony Costume, Thanksgiving Pilgrim Girl Attire, First Thanksgiving Celebration Outfits

Give Thanks! We have all the Traditional Thanksgiving Plymouth Colony Pilgrim Costumes & Accessories you need in stock.
Thanksgiving Plymouth Colony Costume. Whatever the event, whatever the character, whatever the century or decade, we have the Period Clothing, Costumes & Accessories. You will find First Thanksgiving Pilgrim Dresses, Pilgrim Skirts & Blouses for Thanksgiving Celebrations, Pilgrim Boots or Buckles to add to your shoes or boots for Thanksgiving Day Parade Outfits, Puritan Collar Shirts for men and Blouses for ladies for Thanksgiving Reenactments, Pilgrim Hats in many styles for hunting the Thanksgiving Turkey, Pilgrim Bonnets and Aprons, which will come in handy serving the Traditional Thanksgiving Dinner. We have Historical Attire for any Famous Thanksgiving Day Historical Characters from the Mayflower Passenger Roster of from Plymouth Colony’s First Thanksgiving Harvest with the Colonial Settlers and Native American Indians.