Superior Quality Girls Princess Costumes for Disney & Storybook Characters.

This very lovely Sleeping Beauty inspired costume is just one example of of the many Girls Princess Costumes we keep in stock at Dallas Vintage Shop all year round.
We have Dallas’ largest variety of Girls Princess Costumes, Princess Dresses, Wigs, Crowns, Cloaks & Capes, Gloves, Jewelry, Makeup and any Princess Attire you can imagine for Renaissance, Medieval, Disney Characters, Historical Figures, Fantasy, Tea Parties, Daddy & Daughter Dances, Halloween and all Dress Up Occasions. Upgrade your old Princess Costumes with Royalty Princess Jewelry, Superior Quality Character Wigs, Real Gloves, Regal Furs, Glamorous Capes & Cloaks, Quality Crowns and Gloves in all colors and lengths.