Festival Gypsy Costumes, Fortune Teller Gypsies, Carnival Gypsies

Esmeralda, the French-Roma Gypsy from the Hunchback or Notre Dame is just one of our Festival Gypsy Costume Ideas. We have Fortune Teller Gypsies, Carnival Gypsies, Belly Dancer Gypsies, Pirate Gypsies & Fairy Tale Gypsies. This Esmeralda Style Gypsy costume is a great costume idea for Scarborough Fair. Great Gypsy outfits transcend all time periods and we have an immense selection of Gypsy coin scarves, Gypsy coin headpieces, Gypsy coin necklaces and bracelets, Gypsy skirts and tops in bright colors or more simple Gypsy peasant attire. See More Costume Categories to get Gypsy Costume Ideas: Belly Dancing, Genies & Fortune Tellers, Gypsies,, Medieval, Renaissance,Tribal, Burning Man, Arabian, Moroccan, Bedouins.
See More ‘Gypsies’ Costumes