'1940s Men'

He’s the Boogie Woogie Bugle Boy from Company B.’ We have Military, 1940s, Andrews Sisters, WWII, Abbott & Costello, ‘Buck Privates’ and other Classic Movies, Swing & Big Band Era Costumes, Vintage Attire and Retro Clothing. Let us help you win the costume contest at your next Hanger Dance, USO or Swing Dance. We have everything you need to complete your outfit.
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The movie ‘Pearl Harbor’ is set in the 1940s, during WWII. Ben Affleck is Rafe McCawley, 1st Lieutenant, Eagle Squadron and former RAF/now US fighter pilot. This Epic historical, romantic movie, outfit is just a sample of the costumes and vintage military, theatrical and theme party costumes we keep in stock all the time and we have all the necessary accessories you’ll ever need too.
Posted in 1940s Men, Big Band, Hangar Dance, Military, Swing is King, USO Dance | Comments Off on 1940s, WWII, Military Attire DFW

This 1945 Iconic V-J Day Kiss by Sailor & Nurse in Times Square, New Your City celebrated the WWII victory over Japan. We have this and other great 1940’s couples costumes. You will also find an abundance of other great outfits from any decade, century, historical, fictional or futuristic. We have the complete outfits or just the clothing and accessories you want.
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This 1942 ‘Casablanca’ Humphrey Bogart Outfit is a Vintage Hollywood Classic look. We have any Hollywood Movie Characters, Man or Woman, Celebrity Quality or Economy, Complete Outfits or just the Clothing or Accessories you need.
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Our 1940s ‘Gangster Squad’ Ryan Gosling, Sgt. Jerry Wooters Costume is just a sample of the Ideas we have for Men’s 1940s Attire. What is your favorite 40s Gangster? We can hook you up with an outfit that is worthy.
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Looking for great ideas for your next theme party? We have everything you need for USO Dance Parties including 1940s Mens & Ladies Costumes and Period Attire. We have Hangar Dance Party Costumes Galore.
Posted in 1940s Ladies, 1940s Men, Hangar Dance, Swing Dance, Swing is King, USO Dance | Comments Off on USO Dance Party, 1940s Mens & Ladies Attire, Hangar Dance Party Costumes

This 1941 Khaki US Army Enlisted Military Uniform is just a sample of some of the bits and pieces of Vintage Uniforms, Quality Militaria, Insignia, Patches, Rank, Pins, Medals and Costumes. We have the same for Police, Troopers, Sheriffs, SWAT, Border Patrol, Fire & EMT Services. We also have the tactical gear, weapon replicas and weapon toys for Theatrical, Historical, Film and fabulous Theme Parties.
Posted in 1940s Men, Hangar Dance, Military, USO Dance | Comments Off on 1941 Khaki US Army Enlisted Military Uniform Dallas

Josh Brolin Gangster Squad Movie Costume, 1940s Mens Suits, 1940s Gangster Movie Costumes, Mens 1940s Fashion Suits, Mens Period Attire 1940s, Mens 1940s Costume Ideas
Posted in 1940s Men, Cops and Robbers, Film Noir, Gangsters, Hangar Dance, Gangster Squad | Comments Off on 1940s LAPD Sgt John O’Mara Josh Brolin Gangster Squad Movie Costume, 1940s Mens Suits, 1940s Gangster Movie Costumes

We have Sailor Costumes & Uniforms for 1940’s Pearl Harbor Movie Theme Party Costumes, WWII Sailor in Hawaiian Luau Theme Party Costumes and Hanger Dance Attire.
1940’s Hanger Party Costume
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We have excellent School Historical Project Costume ideas. This General George S. Patton WWII Military Costume and others are available all year round. We have children and adult sizes and all the accessories you need.
General Patton Costume
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