'1930s Men'

Originally, Dick Tracy, the 1931 American Comic Strip Police Detective was very plain clothed. His character evolved into Dick Tracy in this long yellow Zoot Suit. We can hook you up with any of your favorite 1930s, comic, movie, TV or historic characters you can think of. Please remember, outfits posted on our website may have already sold, but we constantly replace our stock with equally dynamic vintage attire, period styles and quality costumes.
Posted in 1930s Men, Action Characters, Cops and Robbers, Men’s Fashion | Comments Off on 1930’s Dick Tracy Costume, 1930s Detective Costumes, 1930s Suits & Zoot Suits, 1930s Period Attire, 1930s Theatrical

1930s John Dillinger Costume, 1930s Gangster Outfits, 1930s Mens Pinstripe Suits, 1930s Mens Historical Attire, Gangster Costumes
Posted in 1930s Men, Gentlemen’s Clothing, Vintage Suits, Famous People, Productions, Titles, Public Enemy | Comments Off on 1930s John Dillinger Costume, 1930s Gangster Outfits, 1930s Mens Pinstripe Suits, 1930s Mens Historical Attire, Gangster Costumes

This James Cagney, 1930s Hollywood Leading Man Costume from the Movie Lady Killer is just one example of the film, theatrical, historical, theme party and school historical project costumes and accessories we can provide. Any decade, any century, any class or any theme.
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Road to Perdition Movie is based on events and characters during 1931 Depression Era Chicago. Tom Hanks is Michael Sullivan, Sr., and this costume is only one of many Gangster or Movie Character Costumes we can hook you up with from any decade or century. Professional, Theatrical or Theme Party Costumes are plentiful and diverse at Dallas Vintage Shop.
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1930s Era: The Great Depression, Gangsters Bonnie & Clyde, The Dust Bowl and whatever Period Attire you need is in stock now at Dallas Vintage Shop. Vintage Attire runs small and fragile but our theatrical quality costumes and period knock offs come in abundance of sizes, styles & colors, including XL and Plus Sizes.
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This Robert Leroy Johnson, 1930s American Blues Musician Costume is perfect for the 1920’s and 1930’s. We have some fantastic Harlem Knights Movie, The Cotton Club Movie or even Idlewild Movie Character Costumes & Ideas. We have Harlem Renaissance Era Attire, Jazz & Blues Famous American Musicians & black History Important People Costumes. Find all the amazing Flamboyant Suits, Hats, Shoes & Ties from the 1920’s and 1930’s.
Posted in 1930s Men, Famous People, Productions, Titles, Harlem Nights, Idlewild | Comments Off on Robert Leroy Johnson, 1930s American Blues Musician, Prohibition Era, Jazz Age & Harlem Renaissance Attire

From Hollywood Glamorous Movie Stars to The Great Depression and the Dust Bowl, we have the complete wardrobe for Historical film, Theatrical or our Specialty: Extravagant Theme Party Costumes from head to toe. We have School project costumes for Historical Characters Outfits for adults & children.
Posted in 1930s Men, Historical | Comments Off on 1930s, The Dust Bowl, Great Depression, Historical Period Attire

1920s Rich Mobster Costume, 20s Gangster boss costume, 20s Mob Boss Costumes, The Mobb 20s costume, 20s mens clothing, 20s mens attire Dallas, Dallas 20s Mens Ganster attire,We stock hundreds upon hundreds of outfits for men and women from celebrity status clients to more economy minded shoppers.
Posted in 1930s Men, 1920s Men, Gangsters | Comments Off on Mob Boss Costume: ‘Diamond’ Pete Montana from ‘Little Caesar’

Classic Chaplin in the 1931 film ‘City Lights. It was actually ‘The Tramp’ Movie that established this iconic Chaplin persona in 1915. But it was still Iconic Charlie Chaplin throughout the 1910s, 1920s & 1930s. Dallas Vintage Shop can provide this and other great Outfits for Hollywood Stars or Dancing with the Stars Theme Parties. When will you host a costume theme party?
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Technically, the Zoot Suit was more of fashion and attitude statement supposedly, first worn by some African American and Jazz Era Artists in the 20’s and 30’s and was eventually adopted by some men in the Latino, Chicano, Filipino and Italian communities, especially in L.A., which eventually led to the ‘Zoot Suit Riots.’ Meanwhile, in Chicago, Harold C. Fox, a clothier and sometime big-band trumpeter claimed credit for creating and naming the zoot suit with the reet pleat, the reave sleeve, the ripe stripe, the stuff cuff and the drape shape that was the stage rage during the boogie-woogie rhyme time of the early 1940’s. Subsequently, Broadway Productions, Hollywood Movies, the gentleman’s ‘High Fashion,’ and “Church Brothers’ clothing industry have utilized, modified and often exaggerated the Zoot Suit for their own purposes. So have Costume Theme Party Goers. Therefore, we have a ridiculously huge collection of outlandish and wonderful Zoot Suits, Zoot Hats, Men’s Pimpin’ Ties & Pocket Squares, Canes, Zoot Chains and more, all useful for Prom, Homecoming, Fabulous Theme Parties and Sunday-go-to-Meeting Attire.
Posted in Christmas Party Fashions, 1940s Men, 1930s Men, 1920s Men, Gangsters, Gentlemen’s Clothing, Men’s Fashion, Motown, Prom and Homecoming, Prom Tuxedos and Suits, Show Biz, Showmen, Swing Dance, Swing is King, Vintage Suits, Vintage Hats, Zoot Suits | Comments Off on Zoot Suit Megastore, Zoot Hats, High Fashion, Prom Zoot HQ